October 29, 2009

Oh, Martha!

Halloween is tomorrow, and parents the world over are undoubtedly gluing the last eyeball on, painting the last polka dot, or affixing the last whisker. You can't go wrong with a homemade costume - there's something undeniably endearing about sending your little one out amongst their peers looking like a deranged easter bunny. It's a labor of love. But there's a line one mustn't cross - and Martha Stewart, you just crossed it.

Don't get me wrong - the woman is clearly a virtuoso for all things homemade, but when I saw these pictures of homemade baby costumes, I was, well, disturbed.

I sense a common theme here - did the witch from Hantzel and Gretel come up with these? I mean, what the hell is cute about pretending your baby is cooked up on a plate surrounded by wilted greens and orange sauce?

Message for Martha's creative department: put down the bong and step away...quickly.